
Is Too Much Protein Bad?

Protein is good for muscle growth, bone health, and maintaining a healthy weight. However, like with most things, consuming too much protein can be detrimental. A woman learned that the hard way after going through a carnivore phase. She says she was eating nothing but protein for an extended period of time, and it eventually landed her in the hospital.

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Her story, which she shared to TikTok, has received 150,000 views so far.

“I was in this era of being a carnivore,” TikTok user Eve (@evecatherine.r) tells her 49,000 followers. “I was eating a New York strip steak every single night my senior year of college. In the morning, I would eat two or three eggs. I would eat this specific type of yogurt that had 19 grams of protein in just one cup. Any snack that I had or anything had to be protein-centric.”

What led to the hospital trip

“I had gotten a physical, and [the doctor] tested my urine,” the content creator says. “It said I had high protein, but it wasn’t crazy high.”

At the time, Eve thought this was a good thing. But the next morning, she says she found out her initial belief was wrong.

“I woke up peeing straight blood,” she recalls. “So, my roommate takes me to the ER. I go into the restroom, and I pass a kidney stone.”

What are kidney stones?

Per Mayo Clinic, kidney stones “are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys.” Here’s what can cause them:

  • Diet (like in Eve’s case)
  • Medical conditions
  • Supplements
  • Body weight

She says the doctor initially tried to downplay her symptoms. “‘Are you sure you’re not just on your period?’” Eve recalls him telling her. However, pink, red or brown urine is a sign of kidney stones, according to Mayo Clinic.

“He does the X-ray thing to make sure there’s not anymore. I had to be put on morphine because it hurt so bad,” she remembers.

Kidney stones can be very painful. As a matter of fact, according to Cedars‑Sinai, “passing a kidney stone is said to be some of the most severe physical pain a person can experience.”

Eve signs off her video with a warning.

“Don’t eat too much protein, OK?” she concludes. She added in the caption, “Don’t neglect your fiber intake.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Eve via Instagram direct message and TikTok comment.

What viewers think

Eve’s video racked up over 149,000 views. Viewers had a lot to say about a protein-only diet.

“Yall b obsessed w protein but not veggies,” one said.

“Exactly! As Americans, we don’t have a protein deficiency. Fiber though, barely anyone consumes the recommended amount daily!!” one user concurred.

“I’m reposting because when I warn people about keto diet they never listen !! Eat vegetables too and legumes and fruit not meat every single day,” a second echoed.

How much protein should I be eating?

The healthy amount of protein is 10% to 35% of your daily calorie intake, or 0.36 grams per pound of your body weight. But ultimately, you should talk to your doctor about what a healthy protein intake is for you.

@evecatherine.r Don’t neglect your fiber intake🥕#fitness #protein #health #wellness ♬ original sound – EVE

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