
Why Did An Uber Driver Refuse To Pick Up a Woman With 5 Kids?

Uber drivers certainly deal with a wide range of personalities and characters. They embark on rides with the gamble of not knowing what kind of passengers they are about to pick up. While most rides go smoothly, there are a few passengers that will cause some drama.

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In a TikTok with over 1.4M views, Jennifer (@shortylutfz) refuses to pick up this group of passengers and after seeing how many people they were trying to fit into an UberX. 

This refusal of service turned into a heated argument and brings up the question why didn’t this parent order an UberXL?

An Uber driver refused to pick up woman and her 5 kids

In the TikTok, the uber driver refuses to service a mother trying to pack multiple kids into an UberX. The video starts out showing a group of 2 babies, 3 kids, and 2 adults hoping to squeeze into an UberX. According to Uber, UberX can accommodate up to four passengers. 

Immediately, the Uber driver informs the mother that she will not be able to complete this ride. The Uber driver goes on to explain that an UberXL is needed. “Legally I will not be able to take all of you. Also you will need booster seats for each child under 8,” she told the mother. 

The mother brushes off the comment and claims she does this all the time with no issues or booster seats. 

The Uber driver claps back by individually counting each person she’s trying to get into the car. She counted a total of seven people when an UberX is only supposed to take four max. 

The mother continues to confront the Uber driver “We get into the back seat of Ubers all the time, you’re the issue. She holds the babies and the kids go in the middle,” she states. 

The driver rebounded that each child needs a safety seat. The mom grew in disbelief at the fact she needed three safety seats. 

“I’m supposed to carry around three car seats by myself,” asked the mother. “Yes, you are a parent. When you have children that’s what you do,” retorted the Uber driver. 

“Apparently, I had more concern for her children’s safety than she does,” the driver concluded in her closing captions. At the end of the video, she shows off the backseat of her vehicle. It doesn’t look like the family would’ve fit in there.

Car seat best practices

Here’s what experts recommend when it comes to car safety for kids. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), all children under 8 should have some form of safety seat.

  • Rear-Facing car seat: For Infants between 0-3 years old
  • Forward-Facing car seat: For kids between 1-7 years old
  • Booster seat: For kids between 4-12 years old

Now each seat will vary based on the size and weight of the child. As the child grows, they will eventually outgrow each seat option. Each parent should follow the recommended height and weight to determine the appropriate safety seat for their child. 

Additionally, the American Academy of Pediatrics claims that children under 12 should remain in the back seat.

What did the viewers think about this?

“Thank you for sticking up for those children,” one commented. 

“Six kids. No car, no car seats, and you’re the problem?“ one questioned.

“You handled that incredibly well,” one added. 

“The ‘You’re a parent’ repeated over and over was so perfect,” one shared.

“I love that you didn’t back down, she needed to hear ALL OF THAT,” one commented. 

“She holds the baby? Ugh, how unsafe!!” one agreed. 

“This needs to be on the news everywhere,” one commented.

“I worked at a transportation provider and the amount of people who get mad that we won’t give them a ride if they don’t have car seats is crazy,” one shared. 

This TikTok has more than 1.4M views with over 124.7K likes. 

@shortylutfz #safetyfirst #lyft #uber #rider #irresponsible #childsafety #noexcuses #followthelaw #notaclowncar #teachingmoment ♬ original sound – TWTWAFL

The Daily Dot has contacted @shortylutfz via Instagram messenger and TikTok messenger. Additionally, we contacted Uber via email.

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