Woman Notices a Car in Her Parking Spot. Should She Tow It?

One of the few joys of paying for parking at an apartment complex is that you have a space all to yourself, allowing you to come and go with ease.

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At least, that’s how things are supposed to go. In reality, there are a lot of issues that can present themselves when it comes to parking, from people who park too close to confusing garages that can trap tenants to accidents occurring within the garages themselves. 

Then, there are the people who illegally park in a tenant’s spot. When this happens, tenants can be presented with a dilemma regarding whether or not they should tow the car. TikTok user Tasha Farsaci (@tashafarsaci) recently faced such a dilemma, leading her to ask one question: Would it be OK to tow the stranger’s car?

Can you tow a car that’s parked in your spot?

In a video with over 254,000 views, Farsaci recounts, “So I get home from work. I’m exhausted. [I] come into my parking garage and see someone is parked in my spot.”

She continues by noting that she’s already tried contacting her property management to resolve the issue.

“How many aura points do I lose if I have their car towed?” she asks.

Commenters were quick to tell her that she should have the car towed. One user wrote, “Get it towed. That is your spot. End of story.” Another echoed, “100% rude to park in someones spot. Towing is absolutely fair game.”

However, Farsaci soon learned that it wouldn’t be that easy. In a follow-up video, she explains that the car is still in her spot.

“I called the tow company and they said they couldn’t tow it without authorization from my property management. My property management was not answering,” she states.

She continues by saying that she left a note on the car and that management eventually sent out a “text blast,” telling whoever was parked in her spot to move—which, as Farsaci reveals at the end of the video, did not work.

Eventually, the owner of the car did move it, as revealed in a third video.

Could she have had the car towed herself?

In the comments section, many users suggested she simply have the car towed regardless of the property owners’ wishes.

However, in the United States, it appears that towing companies are generally not allowed to tow cars from private parking lots without permission from the property owner. This would make it impossible for Farsaci to have the car towed by herself.

Unfortunately for Farsaci, the correct move is to simply wait for property management to act. However, as many commenters suggested, she may still be able to get some recourse for the property owner’s lack of action.


not in the mood for this

♬ original sound – Tasha Farsaci

In the comments section, users suggested ways that Farsaci can seek justice for what occurred or prevent it from happening again.

“Our management company gives us ‘Tow Permission’ cards. It has our names, and our spot number. With that card, we can call the contracted tow company, show them the card and they immediately get towed,” claimed a user.

“Tell property manager that you will not be paying for your spot for that day since they didn’t approve towing,” added another.

“It’s time to have a chat with management and why they don’t have an emergency contact for things like this. This is not OK and why do they get the final say on who gets towed when someone gets to park,” stated a third.

The Daily Dot reached out to Farsaci via email.

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